Today in History: Margaret H'Doubler Is Born
One of the pioneering Teachers College alumni in the field of dance education, Margaret Newell H'Doubler was born on April 26th, 1889 in Beloit, Kansas. H'Doubler founded the first major in dance at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, after studying there for a degree in biology and philosophy, as well as at Teachers College in 1916, where she pursued philosophy and aesthetics. She began teaching dance in the summer of 1917, combining her knowledge of science and belief in expressing emotions. With a background in sports (having played and/or taught basketball, baseball, and swimming), she developed a group of dancers called Orchesis, and in 1926 created the first curriculum in dance at the School of Education at Madison-Wisconsin. H'Doubler retired in 1954, but continued to guest lecture and teach dance classes until 1982 -- often using a model skeleton to explain movement, while focusing on the importance of feeling. She received the Heritage Award from the National Dance Association in 1963.
The following articles are drawn from Proquest Historical Newspapers, which informs and inspires classroom teaching and learning.
- Explains Ideals of Modern Dance. (1922, May 06). Detroit Free Press (1858-1922)
- Doubler, M. N. H. (1925, Apr 19). Let Joy Be Unconfined. The New York Herald, New York Tribune (1924-1926)
- Miss Doubler To Be Guest Teacher. (1929, Feb 08). The Austin Statesman (1921-1973)
- Martin, J. (1938, Mar 27). The Dance: In Education. New York Times (1923-Current File)
- Lloyd, M (1940, Sep 28). A Study in Dance Theory. The Christian Science Monitor (1908-Current File)
- Walter, T. (1947, Jun 29). A Concept of Dance Education Held by Margaret H'Doubler. New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962)
- Walter, T. (1948, Apr 04). Dance Courses in the Colleges Summary of Survey, Conclusion. New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962)
- Latest Shortage: Dance Instructors. (1950, Sep 10). New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962)
- Pioneer Educator to Visit UT Campus. (1966, Nov 27). The Austin American (1914-1973)
- H'Doubler, Margaret. The Dance. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1925. TCANA GV1593 .H4
- H’Doubler, Margaret Newell. Dance a Creative Art Experience. [3rd ed.]. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1998. e-book
- Dance Education Program Research Resources: A Research Guide, by Allen Foresta
- Dance Education Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, which provides an historical overview
- Explore ArchiveGrid for primary sources on, by, or about Margaret H'Doubler, including holdings at New York Public Library, Columbia University, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Margaret H'Doubler: Mother of Modern Dance, from Dance Education in America: An Exhibit of the National Dance Association
- Special Slide, Courtesy of the Gottesman Libraries
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