Printmaking Community Resilience

Printmaking Community Resilience

A New Everett Cafe Book Display

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Printmaking is a studio and craft-based art form performed both together and      individually, bringing individuals into a social learning practice of art-making in a variety of printmaking studios, including those that reside in Macy Hall at Teachers College. 

Art-making, such as printmaking, is a means of self and group-directed emotional study that directly influences other processes of learning and psycho-social development and becomes a way of exploring our interior landscapes. Individual and community resilience begins in these interior landscapes as it navigates outwards. The ability for printmaking to be flexible, but process-driven, positions printmaking as a resilient model for community art-making. 

 Printmaking Community Resilience explores the role of art-making for cognitive and emotional resilience, as well as the art form as a flexible and social art practice. It features work that highlights getting started in the medium, such as Low-Tech Print: Contemporary Hand-Made Printing and Block Print Magic. It also spans conversations with Elliot Eisner and Maxien Greene on the emotional and political position of art-making for cognitive development. The collection is rounded out with books that discuss the role of social practice art-making and social justice.

 This book display is curated by Lindsey Frances Jones, 2022 Myers awardee for the Gottesman Libraries commissioned art, I Was Born in Shapes, on display in Offit Gallery until early February 2023. Printmaking Community Resilience is designed by Trisha Barton, Gottesman’s Lead Designer.

 Click bookcard for e-book access.


Perspectives on Contemporary Printmaking: Critical Writing Since 1986


The Arts and the Creation of Mind


Posters for Change : Tear, Paste, Protest


Paper and Ink Workshop : Printmaking Techniques Using a Variety of Methods and Materials


Printmaking as Therapy Frameworks for Freedom


Low-Tech Print : Contemporary Hand-Made Printing


Bridging Communities Through Socially Engaged Art


Art as Social Action : An Introduction to the Principles and Practices of Teaching Social Practice Art


The Dialectic of Freedom


Pulled : A Catalog of Screen Printing


Crafting Creativity and Creating Craft : Craftivism, Art Education, and Contemporary Craft Culture


Multidisciplinary Approaches to Art Learning and Creativity : Fostering Artistic Exploration in Formal and Informal Settings


Art and Social Justice Education : Culture As Commons


Art and Cognition : Integrating the Visual Arts in the Curriculum


Block Print Magic : The Essential Guide to Designing, Carving, and Taking Your Artwork Further with Relief Printing



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