Today In History: World Population Reaches 8 Billion

Today In History: World Population Reaches 8 Billion


On November 15th, 2022, the world's population reached eight billion people, with the largest concentrations living in China and India, followed by the United States. Over the last 12-13 years, the population grew by by one billion, with an increase in global life expectancy to 73 years of age. According to the World Economic Forum, the rapid increase is due to rising fertility rates and advances in medicine and agriculture. With more humans inhabiting the Earth, the toll on environment, and the effects of climate change come serious concerns for sustainability: there is increased demand for food, water, housing, healthcare, and energy, among other needs -- in turn causing shortages, poverty, pollution, pandemics, and other problems, despite access to resources, cultural diversity, and economic growth in overpopulated places.  Greater access to education and family planning services may help address overpopulation, though by 2100 we could see as many as 10.9 billion of us.

The following articles are drawn from Proquest Historical Newspapers, which informs and inspires classroom teaching and learning:






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