Specially Funded Book Acquisitions
Art and Art Education
A is for art or acquisitions; B, is for book; and C, for collections! With inspiration from France in the Middle Ages and the art of the letter (above), we are pleased to announce in simple bibliographic terms recent art-related book acquisitions for our collections -- and with a special nod to the The Myers Foundations. Formerly known as the Florence H. and Eugene E. Myers Charitable Remainder Unitrust, this closely tied foundation continues to support art-related book acquisitions, art conservation, exhibitions, and art purchases and commissions. The Trust funds were created in the early 1990s, thanks to the generosity of alumnus Colonel Eugene Myers (MA, drawing, painting and graphics) and who also served as an instructor here.
To select and acquire materials relevant to study, teaching and research in the field of art and art education and within scope for the collections at the Gottesman Libraries, we utilized tools such as Collection Manager and GOBI. Titles recently added are listed below with permalinks to their catalog records in Educat+ and to full text from providers. Tresha Antoine, Library Assistant, and Jennifer Govan, Library Director and Senior Librarian, coordinated on this special book acquisition project to strengthen holdings -- making fine, interesting, and relevant publications available to our patrons.
Myers Book Acquisitions, 2023-2024
Adams, Alexander. Artivism. Andrews UK, 2022. e-book
Andrews, Bernard W. Arts Education: : A Global Affair. Leiden: BRILL, 2023. e-book
Atkinson, D. Art in Education Identity and Practice. 1st ed. 2002. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2002. e-book
Atkinson, Dennis. Pedagogies of Taking Care : Art, Pedagogy and the Gift of Otherness. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2022. e-book
Berger, LaNitra M. Irma Stern and the Racial Paradox of South African Modern Art : Audacities of Color. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2020. e-book
Broadhead, Samantha, ed. The Industrialisation of Arts Education. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. e-book
Brown, Neil C. M. Studies in Philosophical Realism in Art, Design and Education. 1st ed. 2017. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017. e-book
Covey, Sylvie. Modern Printmaking : A Guide to Traditional and Digital Techniques. First edition. Berkeley: Watson-Guptill, 2016. e-book
Dewhurst, Marit, Amelia Kraehe, and Joni Boyd Acuff. Social Justice Art Education, Second Edition : A Framework for Activist Art Pedagogy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press, an imprint of the Harvard Education Publishing Group, 2023. e-book
Ehrenzweig, Anton. The Hidden Order of Art : A Study in the Psychology of Artistic Imagination. Reprint 2019. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1971. e-book
Fredriksen, Biljana Culibrk, and Camilla Groth, eds. Expanding Environmental Awareness in Education Through the Arts Crafting-with the Environment. 1st ed. 2022. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022. e-book
Fürst, Henrik., and Erik. Nylander. The Value of Art Education Cultural Engagements at the Swedish Folk High Schools. 1st ed. 2023. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023. e-book
Granger, David A. John Dewey, Albert Barnes, and the Continuity of Art and Life : Revisioning the Arts and Education. Peter Lang Publishing, 2023. e-book
Guerin, Frances. The Truth Is Always Grey A History of Modernist Painting. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018. e-book
Hauss, Ingrid. Toward Renewal and Belonging : Art, Movement, and Community. Peter Lang Publishing, 2022. e-book
Hickman, Richard. Research in Art & Design Education Issues and Exemplars. Bristol, UK ; Intellect, 2008. e-book
Irwin, Rita L., ed. A/r/Tography : Essential Readings and Conversations. Chicago, IL: Intellect, 2024. e-book
K2, Lord (David Sharabani), and Lois Stavsky. Street Art Tel Aviv. 1st ed. Brighton ; Sussex Academic Press, 2021. e-book
Khouri, Kristine, and Rashā Salṭī, eds. Past Disquiet : Artists, International Solidarity, and Museums-in-Exile. Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2018. e-book
Knochel, Aaron D., Christine Liao, and Ryan M. Patton, eds. Critical Digital Making in Art Education. Peter Lang Publishing, 2020. e-book
Knochel, Aaron D., and Osamu Sahara, eds. Global Media Arts Education : Mapping Global Perspectives of Media Arts in Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2022. e-book
Leigh, Jennifer. Borders of Qualitative Research : Navigating the Spaces Where Therapy, Education, Art, and Science Connect. 1st ed. Bristol: Policy Press, 2024. e-book
Lin, Ching-Chiu, Anita Sinner, and Rita L. Irwin, eds. Community Arts Education : Transversal Global Perspectives. Bristol, England: Intellect, 2023. e-book
Lionis, Chrisoula. Laughter in Occupied Palestine : Comedy and Identity in Art and Film. First edition. London ; I.B. Tauris, 2016. e-book
Mreiwed, Hala, ed. Making Connections in and Through Arts-Based Educational Research. 1st ed. 2023. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023. e-book
Palmer, Amy, and John Howlett, eds. Unfolding Creativity British Pioneers in Arts Education from 1890 to 1950. 1st ed. 2021. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. e-book
Panzert, Alexandra. Das Bauhaus im Kontext : Kunst- und Gestaltungsschulen der Weimarer Republik im Vergleich. 1st ed. Berlin: Gebrüder Mann Verlag, 2023. e-book
Payne, Rachel. Professional Learning for Artist Teachers. 1st ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education, 2024. e-book
Redaelli, Eleonora, ed. Visiting the Art Museum : A Journey toward Participation. 1st ed. 2023. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. e-book
Ross, Malcolm. The Aesthetic Imperative: Relevance and Responsibility in Arts Education. 1st ed. San Diego: Elsevier Science & Technology, 1981. e-book
Russell, Alex. The Fundamentals of Printed Textile Design. 2nd ed. London, England ; Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2021. e-book
Schiller, Megan. The Art Playroom : Make a Home Art Space for Kids; Spark Exploration, Independence, and Joyful Learning with Invitations to Create. Minneapolis: Quarto Publishing Group USA, 2023. e-book
Schlam, Carolyn Dobkin. The Creative Path : A View from the Studio on the Making of Art. New York: Allworth Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, Incorporated, 2018. e-book
Unterberg, Lisa, Benjamin Jörissen, and Tanja Klepacki, eds. Cultural Sustainability and Arts Education : International Perspectives on the Aesthetics of Transformation. 1st ed. 2023. Singapore: Springer, 2023. e-book
Vakeva, Lauri. Considering Deweyan Cultural Naturalism As a Philosophy of Art(s) Education: Restoring Continuity. 1st ed. Vol. 35. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, 2023. e-book
Vella, Raphael, and Victoria Pavlou. Art, Sustainability and Learning Communities : Call to Action. Bristol, England: Intellect Books, 2023. e-book
Villeneuve, Pat, and Ann Rowson Love, eds. Visitor-Centered Exhibitions and Edu-Curation in Art Museums. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017. e-book
Vollmer, April. Japanese Woodblock Print Workshop : A Modern Guide to an Ancient Art. New York: Watson Guptill / Crown Publishing, 2015. e-book
Total Purchased: 38 Titles
Total Spent: $5,000
Letter A, Artist Unknown, 14th Century, France, Courtesy of Musée Saint-Remi (inv. 978.28419)
The Myers Bookplate, Bookplate Collection, Courtesy of Teachers College, Columbia University