Today In History: Re-Introducing Etch-A-Sketch

Today In History: Re-Introducing Etch-A-Sketch



Born in 1926, Andre Cassagnes was a French electrician, kite designer, and inventor who created the ever- popular drawing toy known as Etch-A-Sketch (L'Écran Magique or "Magic Screen"). In the late 1950s, Cassagnes was inspired by the potential combination of metal particles and pencil -- seeing creativity and merit in aluminum powder that could move upon  a flat, rectangular screen by the simple twist of a couple of knobs -- one that moved a stylus horizontally, and the other that moved it vertically.  After a second review of the toy, the Ohio Toy Company took a chance and launched it in 1960.  In 1998, thirty-eight years after it was first reintroduced to the market, and with over one hundred million copies sold around the world, Etch-A-Sketch landed a special place in Rochester's National Toy Hall of Fame.

For baby boomers, Cassagne's magic screen ranked as one of the most cherished toys in the United States -- though the art of using it was experienced by some.  Certain users took decades to master the technique of mechanical drawing; for others it was more natural -- a simple way to enjoy a new kind of drawing without pencil and paper. Shaking the toy easily allowed one to start over or to erase one's work. Over time, accomplished artists found ingenious ways to preserve their drawings by disassembling the parts; removing the powder; and keeping the screen. And yes, Etch-A-Sketch is still on the market!

The following articles are drawn from Proquest Historical Newspapers, which informs and inspires classroom teaching and learning.






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