Today In History: William Herschel Observes Uranus

Today In History: William Herschel Observes Uranus



I could be well mov'd, if I were as you;

If I could pray to move, prayers would move me;

But I am constant as the northern star,

Of whose true-fix'd and resting quality

There is no fellow in the firmament.

-- William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene 1. 

The third largest planet and seventh from the sun, Uranus was originally called the "Georgian Planet" by William Herschel who first observed it on March 13th, 1781 from the gardens of his home in Bath, Somerset.  The German-born English astronomer observed "Georgium Sidus" through a telescope,  an instrument which verified its existence as a planet, rather than as a star. For his important discovery, William Herschel was knighted and he relocated to Windsor, England to facilitate access to his telescopes by the royal family who in awe sought to better understand the solar system.

The name Uranus was proposed by Johann Elert Bode, a German astronomer who studied the planet's orbit  and came to the conclusion that it circled  the sun only once for every 84 years on Earth. A giant planet, Uranus was the ancient Greek deity of the heavens, and a fitting name to compliment the mythologically derived names of the other planets in the universe.  Composed of hydrogen, helium, and methane, and milky blue in appearance, Uranus has faint rings and multiple moons named after characters in the work of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope.

The following articles are drawn from Proquest Historical Newspapers, which informs and inspires classroom teaching and learning.







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