Today In History: Benjamin Franklin Is Born
Well done is better than well said.
- Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1737 (The Franklin Institute)
The above quote from Poor Richard's Almanack, an annual informational calendar published from 1732 to 1758 by Benjamin Franklin under the pseudonym "Poor Richard" or "Richard Saunders", is interesting; its author was an extraordinary combination of deed and word through his many accomplishments and publications across numerous walks of life. Born on the 17th of January, 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin was the 10th son of 17 children of a poor tradesman who made soap and candles. Under a difficult apprenticeship to his older brother James, he learned the trade of printing which he mastered between 1718-1723 while teaching himself to write -- then ran away to Philadelphia to seek a better, more independent means of living, free of the constraints he experienced at home. With but two years of schooling, his formal education concluded when he was 10, but he was a voracious reader and bibliophile who went on become a printer and publisher, author, inventor, and scientist, and diplomat.
Benjamin Franklin founded the Library Company of Philadelphia in 1731, considered the first public library and oldest cultural institution in the United States. A Founding Father, he contributed to and signed four significant documents in the history of our nation: the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris, the Constitution, and the 1778 Treaty of Alliance with France. His multiple scientific inventions included the lightning rod, bifocals, swim fins, a glass armonica, and a urinary catheter. His writings comprised the almanac, memoirs or autobiography, essays, and pamphlets that educated, enlightened, and entertained scores of readers -- and still inspire readers to this day.
The following articles are drawn from Proquest Historical Newspapers, which informs and inspires classroom teaching and learning.
- Two Hundredth Anniversary of Benjamin Franklin's Birthday: Elaborate Celebrations Planned in United States, France, and England. (1923, Jan 07). New York Times (1923-)
- Begin Franklin Fete Today: Members of International Society to Open Three-Day Celebration. (1927, Jan 15). New York Times (1923-)
- Benjamin Franklin. (1929, Sep 08). The Washington Post (1923-1954)
- Philadelphia Exhibits Rare Franklin Letters: First Copy of Poor Richard's Almanac Shown at Free Library; His Love Epistles to Madame Brillon Also Are Offered Public. (1938, May 22). The Washington Post (1923-1954)
- This Day in History: Jan. 17 -- Birthday of Benjamin Franklin. (1946, Jan 17). Chicago Daily Tribune (1923-1963)
- City Is Preparing Franklin Homage: A.D. Duke Heads Sponsors of Participation in 250th Anniversary Year. (1955, Jun 13). New York Times (1923-)
- Ainsworth, E. (1956, Jan 15). Benjamin Franklin Script at Library: Huntington to Note His Birthday by Showing Famous 'Autobiography'. Los Angeles Times (1923-1995)
- Collins, C. (1956, Jan 15). Benjamin Franklin American Genius. Chicago Daily Tribune (1923-1963) R
- Bridenbach, C. (1959, Nov 22). The Story of B. Franklin Told through His Papers. New York Times (1923-)
- Newman, R. G. (1966, Jan 16). Benjamin Franklin on the 260th Anniversary of His Birth, Another Title is Bestowed -- Father of Adult Education. Chicago Tribune (1963-1996)
- Franklin, B., & Best, J. H. (1962). Benjamin Franklin on Education. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University. e-book. 5th Floor Stacks & Loft ; E302.F83 1962
- Franklin, B. (1930). A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain. The Facsimile Text Society. Closed Stacks Research ; BJ1460 .F73 1930
- Franklin, B. (1837). The Life of Benjamin Franklin : Illustrated by Tales, Sketches, and Anecdotes : Adapted to the Use of Schools : With Engravings. Desilver, Thomas & Co. ... Closed Stacks Curr ; E302.6.F8 L75 1837
- Franklin, B., & Morgan, E. S. (Edmund S. (2006). Not Your Usual Founding Father : Selected Readings from Benjamin Franklin (1st ed.). Yale University Pres. e-book.
- Franklin, B., Labaree, L. W., & Willcox, W. B. (1959). The Papers of Benjamin Franklin. Yale University Press. 5th Floor Stacks & Loft ; E302 .F82 1959
- Franklin, B. (1898). Poor Richard’s Almanack (B. E. (Benjamin E. Smith, Ed.). The Century Co. TCANA ; PS749.A6 S5 1898
- Franklin the Printer, by Charles E. Mills, Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
- Portrait of Benjamin Franklin, Courtesy of Canva