Today In History: First Telephone Call

Today In History: First Telephone Call


Got your cellular telephone yet? Last year that would have been a toss away line at a party. Two years ago it would have been a joke. Three years ago it would not have been understand by many people in the conversation. And I'll bet in his wildest dreams Alexander Graham Bell never once dreamed of people tucking a phone into a brief case or a pocket and carrying it with them wherever they went.

-- Louis Forsdale. Historical Time Capsule 331. A Telephone in Every Purse (1990).

From his Boston laboratory at 5 Exeter Place, Scottish-Canadian inventor and scientist Alexander Graham Bell conducted the first successful telephone call, summoning his assistant Thomas Augustus Watson from another room. On March 10th, 1876,  he put to test the telephone, using the simple words, "Mr. Watson — come here — I want to see you."

Bell had officially received the patent for his telephone only three days earlier, and his invention would forever change the way people communicated, allowing them to connect, whatever the distance. His strong commitment to education led him to teach the hearing impaired, inspired by his mother who was also hard of hearing. Bell's work on the telephone, which enabled the transmission of sound through an electrical current, laid the foundation for modern communications, including the development of the cell or mobile phone, as his support for oral education impacted the way deaf children were taught, without signing. In the early 1960s, the teletypewriter (TTY) and acoustic coupler made it possible for deaf people to use the telephone.

The following articles are drawn from Proquest Historical Newspapers, which informs and inspires classroom teaching and learning.






  • Bell System 1877. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
  • Poster Image: Bell's First Telephone, Courtesy of Canva.

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