New Online Book Displays: Celebrating Harlem Renaissance 100

New Online Book Displays: Celebrating Harlem Renaissance 100

Everett Cafe and Staff Picks

The Gottesman Libraries is pleased to announce the launch of two new online book displays in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Harlem Renaissance. These displays will be expanded onsite in the Fall when Teachers College resumes Creating a Better World For All: Teachers College Celebrates the Harlem Renaissance.

Everett Cafe News: Classics of the Harlem Renaissance, through mid-May

With the Harlem Renaissance came the explosion in African American literature inspired by Alain Locke's The New Negro: An Interpretation (A. and C Boni, 1925), a seminal anthology of fiction, poetry, and essays by writers including Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Claude McKay, Jean Toomer, Countee Cullen, and others. Locke presented a new vision of black identity, as the intellectual, social, and artistic movement that centered in Harlem took root and led to the publication of sensational works of fiction and nonfiction.

Classics of the Harlem Renaissance celebrates literature of the era as key to understanding not only African American history and culture, but the Harlem Renaissance as a significant step towards the American ideal of freedom and opportunity. This display is curated by Jennifer Govan and designed by Carlie Zhang.

Complimenting the book display is Harlem Renaissance 100: Collaborative Drawing, our newly launched app which highlights one classic artwork of the Harlem Renaissance each day. Come together at this online drawing platform and create something beautiful based on original paintings, prints, drawings, and other pieces by alumni of Teachers College and other leading artists of the Harlem Renaissance.

Where: Online

Staff Picks: Teaching the Harlem Renaissance, through April

In the 1920s, Black artists, musicians, dancers, writers, and thinkers had settled into Harlem after the Great Migration and built a community where they could congregate and create. While Harlem is considered the epicenter of this prolific movement, other cities around the country saw their own related scenes spring from the ground up, and the innovations of those involved impacted the whole world.

Teaching the Harlem Renaissance is a collection of resources that span age ranges from pre K-12 and beyond. The spirit of change, the fight towards equity championed by people across fields of expertise, and the closeness of it all to our city’s history is crucial for our classrooms. The NYC DOE reports that 25.5% of all students in the city’s public schools are Black. However, according to the Cooperative Children’s Book Center, 50% of protagonists in all children’s books published in 2018 were white. Connecting learners of all ages to stories of compelling Black leaders can help kids (and adults, too) see themselves and their peers in a more positive light. We owe it to our students to contextualize this legacy of changemaking and encourage them to find their place in it. The Harlem Renaissance centered around bringing Black American identities to the forefront of the collective consciousness. This can - and must - still be honored today, 100 years later. 

This collection contains primary sources, biographies, historical fiction, and collections of essays, poetry, and visual art. While many are physical materials, ebooks and other digital sources are also represented. Curated by Rachel Altvater and designed by Trisha Barton, this display contains primary sources, biographies, historical fiction, and collections of essays, poetry, and visual art. While many are physical materials, ebooks and other digital sources are also represented.

Where: Online


To request disability-related accommodations contact OASID at, (212) 678-3689, or (646) 755-3144 video phone, as early as possible.

By: Library Staff
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