Everett Cafe Book Display: Teaching Anti-Racism

Everett Cafe Book Display: Teaching Anti-Racism


Teaching Anti-Racism is inspired by ongoing social protests over the horrific death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25th, 2020 and escalating tensions around the world with regard to race and injustice, particularly with regard to Black victims at the hands of police. Our display will focus on essential readings that cover anti-racism and serve to remind us of the need to advocate for a more just society. By exploring the racial landscape and steps needed to address prejudice, discrimination, and antagonism on the basis of a person's membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, usually minority or marginalized, we hope to illuminate our responsibilities as educators and citizens. This display embraces a call for wider respect, acceptance, and appreciation of diversity in all its forms, particularly in educational settings, with race as a prime example in teaching for diverse democracy.

This book display is curated by several library staff and designed by Carlie Zhang. Read What If? Teaching Anti-Racism, a related post on the Library Blog.

Where: Online


To request disability-related accommodations contact OASID at oasid@tc.edu, (212) 678-3689, or (646) 755-3144 video phone, as early as possible.

By: Library Staff
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