Highlighted Databases: National Bike Month

Highlighted Databases: National Bike Month

The Gottesman Libraries

Did you know that May is recognized as National Bike Month, by the League of American Bicyclists, who promote the "chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling — and encourage more folks to giving biking a try"?

In support, we highlight resources that cover the literature of bicycle riding from different perspectives: educational, psychological, economical, environmental. Whether you're commuting to work or going for a spin around the park, you can celebrate this ingenuous two-wheeled vehicle whose history, going strong, dates back to the nineteenth century.

Academic Search Premier is a multi-disciplinary database with full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.

America History and Life is an index of literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. The database indexes journals from 1964 to present and includes citations and links to book and media reviews.

Ebook Central-Academic Complete provides authoritative, full-text e-books in a wide range of subject areas along with powerful tools to find, use, and manage the information.

EconLit is the American Economic Association's electronic database, contains references to economic literature. Contains citations, abstracts, and full text to economic research dating back to 1969. Contains journal articles, book, collective volume articles, dissertations, working papers, and full text book reviews from the Journal of Economic Literature.

Education Education Full Text provides full text of articles from over 350 journals as far back as 1996, in addition to indexing of over 770 periodicals dating back to 1983. Content includes in-depth coverage of special education, with over 50 journals dedicated to this important topic, and more than 100,000 controlled and cross-referenced names of educational tests. Subject coverage includes adult education, continuing education, literacy standards, multicultural/ethnic education, teaching methods, and much more.

ERIC is the database of the Educational Resources Information Center, with articles, reports, curricula, conference proceeds, and much more, from 1966 to the present. The most comprehensive database on education, it is available in 3 platforms: Proquest, Ebsco, and the government site.

History of Science, Technology, and Medicine contains articles, conference proceedings, books, book reviews and dissertations in the history of science and technology and allied historical fields. It covers the contents of over 600 journals, and the partial contents of several hundred more.

Sports Medicine and Education Index features a feature a wide variety of content, ranging from physical education curricula, to sports medicine, to dance. Other coverage includes sport law, kinesiology, motor learning, recreation, standardized fitness tests, sports equipment, business and marketing, coaching and training, and sport sociology/psychology. Health education and physical therapy are also covered as they continue to become more prevalent in our society.

PsycInfo covers the scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences.


Poster Image: Detail Of GL00-SB04-FC00-0075, from Students of Arthur Wesley Dow Collection, Courtesy of Teachers College, Columbia University

Related blog posts:

Today in History: The Bicycle Is Patented

Today in History: World Bicycle Day


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