Sliding Doors: Call for Speakers

Sliding Doors: Call for Speakers

Ad Hoc Performances of Pedagogy

Can seemingly inconsequential moments or meetings alter the trajectory of future events and learning? Ad hoc performances of pedagogy, known as “flash seminars”, began years ago in fellow institutions of higher education, notably the University of Virginia, to inspire learning outside the formal classroom; faculty chose topics and readings to spark conversation among small groups of students. 

Sliding Doors is a lively, pop-up set of talks given by and for members and affiliated members of the Teachers College community. The program consists of 10 one-time, community driven offerings that are open to faculty, students, and staff and conducted in a small, informal, impromptu setting; each session will last approximately 45 minutes, with 15 minutes devoted to open discussion and/or activity.

The topic can be on anything relating to education, current events, or just something unusual or quirky. Sample topics may address favorite books; climate change; decision making; diversity; food, friendship, government, mindfulness, money, motivation, nature; pandemic; play, poetry, serendipity, storytelling, or any other subject that generates ideas and energy reflective of the broad scope of Teachers College, Columbia University.

This program is jointly sponsored by the Gottesman Libraries and Digital Futures Institute. It takes place in the Smith Learning Theater, with a maximum attendance of 15 persons.

Interested in speaking? Contact us with a catchy title and short description, and we’ll work with you on dates, times, set up, technology, promotion, and refreshments.

Speakers will receive recognition, swag, and complimentary passes to Everett Cafe.


Starting mid February

Then once or twice a month through August


“Everything happens for the best. You'll never know if you don't try.” 

        -- John Hannah as James in ”Sliding Doors”


To request disability-related accommodations contact OASID at, (212) 678-3689, or (646) 755-3144 video phone, as early as possible.

By: Library Staff
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