New Book Display: Wanderlust

New Book Display: Wanderlust

Everett Cafe


A drawing of a hot-air balloon flying.

For some the act of travel is the draw: it's the voyage in itself, not the destination. For others, it's the actual destination and what one seeks to do -- the visiting or even temporary living there. A lonely planet Earth becomes much less so when we expand our horizons and move through the globe, or parts of it -- and a less estranged Earth moves us.

Our strong desire to travel leads to enriched understanding of ourselves, each other, and our world, however, whenever, and wherever we journey. Travel inspires writing, letting us to learn from the experiences of others, and become motivated to get out and explore, near or far. We can adventure through others' accounts, stories, diaries, travelogues, and/or take the next step by donning our boots, booking a ticket, and setting forth.

Wanderlust explores the history and intent of men and women in travel, often by foot, sometimes by camel, horse, boat, car, or train. It presents interesting and curious insight into travelers' shared experiences, particularly among women, and offers helpful tips on writing about our encounters or experiences. It includes select works of well-known explorers, past and present, from Marco Polo and Robert Louis Stevenson, to Ida Pfeiffer and Cheryl Strayed, in the hope that lazy summer days extend learning outside the classroom and inspire new adventures. 

This display is curated by Jennifer Govan, Library Director and Senior Librarian, in collaboration with Trisha Barton, Lead Designer.

Where: Everett Cafe

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