Artivism: Call for Speakers
The Power of Art for Social Transformation
Want to learn and share how the arts can redress inequities; reflect the voices of all; and encourage a just society? Artivism is looking for speakers to engage in meaningful conversation. Since 2021, the program has hosted weekly online talks, workshops, and global art exhibitions. Opportunities to participate are available for early December and again in the Spring Semester, so get involved!
Artivism: The Power of Art for Social Transformation is a movement with committed social artivists in response to historic global unrest. Artivism aims to generate community through multi-disciplinary teamwork for a more dignified and meaningful coexistence, and its ultimate goal is to nurture confidence in taking continuous action from wherever you are by means of reciprocity.
Artivism: The Power of Art for Social Transformation grew out of Illuminations of Social Imagination: Learning from Maxine Greene (Dio Press, 2019), edited by Teachers College alumni Courtney Weida and Carolina Cambronero-Varela, and Dolapo Adeniji-Neill, of Adelphi University. "The concept for this book is inspired by the late Maxine Greene (2000), who described her enduring philosophical focus and legacy of social imagination as “the capacity to invent visions of what should be and what might be in our deficient society, on the streets where we live, in our schools” (p. 5).
-- Publisher's Description
Artivism: The Power of Art for Social Transformation is jointly sponsored by Adelphi University, Sing for Hope, and the Gottesman Libraries.