Artivism: Wearable Art For a Purpose

Artivism: Wearable Art For a Purpose

A New Offit Gallery Exhibit

Wearable Art For a Purpose aims to spark conversations about consumer trends, fast fashion, and other commercial and environmental concerns that will set you thinking before you make your next fashion purchase. While clothing and accessories inform our relationship with nature, the environment, and each other, they also express our identity and values in an increasingly vulnerable and fragile world. Textiles, beads, and embroidery may be organic, hand produced, recycled, or passed down, showing conscious tendencies toward sustainability of our resources and care for our planet. Face coverings and other artworks lend insight into our personal experiences and life journeys -- not only what we learn or see, but how we feel or what we project from "behind the mask" -- while reminding us of pressing human, societal, and global issues, among them, pain, death, women's and children's rights, gender equality, labor injustice, and climate change. Made by artivists from all over the world, these pieces contribute to our understanding of ourselves, our place in the world, and the positive impact we can make through art -- with a call to fight the status quo and know what our purchasing power is truly buying.

This multi-venue exhibition is supplemented by the Offit Gallery book display, Eco Fashion: Sustainability, Ethics, and Education, curated and designed by the staff of Gottesman Libraries. It is part of the Everett Cafe book display series in which you'll find a new book collection every few weeks that relates to current events, education, or learning environments.

Artivism: The Power of Art Social Transformation is jointly sponsored by Adelphi University, Sing for Hope, and the Gottesman Libraries. A movement with committed social artivists, it aims to generate community through multidisciplinary teamwork for a more dignified and meaningful coexistence. The overarching goal is to nurture confidence in taking continuous action from wherever we are by means of reciprocity.

Where: Offit Gallery
When: June 2 - July 28


Opening Art Talk / Reception:  June 7th, 5:30-7pm

Live musical performance by Cat Schuller, Jackson Sturkey & Will Studabaker:  June 7th, 6-7pm

June's Highlighted Databases:  Sustainability and Education



Artivism: The Power of Art Social Transformation, grew out of Illuminations of Social Imagination: Learning From Maxine Greene, (Dio Press, 2019), edited by Teachers College alumni Courtney Weida and Carolina Cambronero-Varela, and Dolapo Adeniji-Neill, of Adelphi University. "The concept for this book is inspired by the late Maxine Greene (2000), who described her enduring philosophical focus and legacy of social imagination as “the capacity to invent visions of what should be and what might be in our deficient society, on the streets where we live, in our schools” (p. 5). The purpose of this volume is to examine and illuminate the roles of community organizers and educators who are changing lives through public art and community arts projects. This research originally emerged from a well-attended 2018 conference presentation and exhibition at Teachers College, Columbia University, engaging with the local and international community of arts education and arts administration."

-- Publisher's Description

 Artivism: The Power of Art Social Transformation is jointly sponsored by Adelphi University, Sing for Hope, and the Gottesman Libraries.

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