New E-Book Acquisitions: Teacher College Press
Building Institutional Collections
Thirty-eight years of e-coverage for our institution's press in our collection, and we're going strong in our acquisitions' efforts! Beginning in the Summer of 2022, we sought to bring our collection of Teachers College Press books up to speed with their electronic counterparts when available. A special acquisitions project stretched over two summers, we researched holdings and purchased 631 titles, beginning with 1980. In Part One, we acquired books published through 2010; in Part Two, we acquired those published from 2011-2018.
Thanks to continuing partnership with our official publisher, printed archival and circulating copies are held and maintained in the Gottesman Libraries. Electronic copies, supplied by Gobi Solutions, a leading provider, expand and enhance access to award-winning, peer-reviewed resources in areas of collection strength: education, psychology, and the applied health sciences.
We are pleased to announce that we added the following Teachers College Press e-books:
20 titles, 1980-1990
124 titles, 1991-2000
229 titles, 2001-2010
These books are discoverable through EDUCAT+. the definitive record of library holdings at Teachers College, Columbia University, and our catalog includes links to their full text, accessible to current members.
In the Summer of 2024, we will resume Part Three of this project covering the acquisition ofTeachers College Press e-books published from 2019-2024.
Books Featured in Collage:
- Achinstein, Betty, and Steven Z. Athanases. Mentors in the Making : Developing New Leaders for New Teachers. New York: Teachers College Press, 2006. e-book
- Ayers, William. The Good Preschool Teacher : Six Teachers Reflect on Their Lives. New York ;: Teachers College Press, 1989. e-book
- Bain, Alan, and Mark E. Weston. Thee Learning Edge : What Technology Can Do to Educate All Children. New York: Teachers College Press, 2012. e-book
- Baines, AnnMarie Darrow. (Un)learning Disability : Recognizing and Changing Restrictive Views of Student Ability. New York, New York : Teachers College, Columbia University, 2014. e-book
- Blackford, Holly Virginia. Out of This World : Why Literature Matters to Girls. New York: Teachers College Press, 2004. e-book
- Brown, Mary Moss, and Alisa Berger. How to Innovate : the Essential Guide for Fearless School Leaders. New York, NY: Teachers College Press, 2014. e-book
- Chaltain, Sam., and Ken Robinson. Our School : Searching for Community in the Era of Choice. New York: Teachers College Press, 2014. e-book
- Cruz, Bâarbara et al., eds. Talking Diversity with Teachers and Teacher Educators : Exercises and Critical Conversations Across the Curriculum. New York, NY: Teachers College Press, 2014. e-book
- Cuban, Larry. Frogs into Princes : Writings on School Reform. New York: Teachers College Press, 2008. e-book
- Goodlad, John I. In Praise of Education. New York, New York ;: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1997. E-book
- Hess, Frederick M., and Michael Q. McShane, eds. Common Core Meets Education Reform : What It All Means for Politics, Policy, and the Future of Schooling. New York, New York ;: Teachers College Press, 2014. e-book
- Sarason, Seymour Bernard. Teaching as a Performing Art. New York: Teachers College Press, 1999. E-book
Founded in 1904, Teachers College Press has published professional and classroom materials for over a century and currently publishes 70 titles per year, with a growing number of electronic books.

For more information please contact us.
- Collage, Teachers College Press Books, Courtesy of Gottesman Libraries
- Photo, Exterior of Teachers College Press, 1234 Amsterdam Ave., Courtesy of Teachers College, Columbia University