Research Help: The Librarian Is In

Research Help: The Librarian Is In

Enhancing Research Services

We are pleased to announce the expansion of research and information services, with the addition of staff on the second floor of the Gottesman Libraries. In addition to being available on the first floor throughout the day, librarians will be available every Tuesday, from 3-5pm, and every Thursday, from 4-6pm, in the Rock Garden to answer any questions you may have about our library resources and services.

They say that Common Knowledge consitutes facts that do not need to be cited, like saying that fish have gills or that librarians love to help. So come visit us and Ask a Librarian -- in person! 

Where: Second Floor Collaboration Space

When: Starting Tuesday, February 28th



Poster Image: 

County Libraries Book Auto, Cincinnati and Hamilton, Ohio, Courtesy of the National Archives


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