Today In History: Bike to Work Day
Originated by the League of American Bicyclists in 1956, Bike to Work Day usually occurs in Bike to Work Week which usually falls within May of every year; the annual event aims to promote biking as a excellent option for commuting; it is less expensive, more environmentally friendly, and healthier than driving a car or using modes of public transportation. On Bike-to-Work Day numerous organizations in cities across the United States, San Francisco to New York, host bicycle-related events and activities to increase awareness of the benefits and joy of cycling.
The following articles are drawn from Proquest Historical Newspapers, which informs and inspires classroom teaching and learning.
- White, R.D. (1983, Oct 19). 1,500 Wheel In for Bike Day: 1,500 Wheel In to District for Bike-to-Work Day. The Washington Post (1974-)
- Sherry, J. (1992, May 20). County Employees Ride Bikes to Work. Los Angeles Times (1923-1995)
- Clean-Air Commuting. (1994, May 20). The Christian Science Monitor (1908-)
- Happening Today. (1995, Aug 17). Los Angeles Times (1923-1995)
- Fletcher, E. and Nyberg, J. Pedal On: Bike-to-Work Day Lures Thousands From Their Cars. (2004, May 21). The San Francisco Examiner (1902-2007)
- Sordyl, S. (2005, May 03). Influence Pedalers At Work. The Washington Post (1974-)
- Kelly, J. (2005, Jun 03). The Best Thing On Wheels. The Washington Post (1974-)
- Bike to Work Day On Friday. (2006, May 17). Michigan Chronicle (1939-2010)
- Mohn, T. (2009, Oct 20). Pedaling On the Road: Even On Business Trips, Some Prefer to Commute By Bicycle. New York Times (1923-)
- Cluskey, P. (2016, Apr 20). Almost Heaven For Two-Wheel Pedal-Pushers in Amsterdam: Some 60% of Residents Use Their Bikes Daily, Many for Work Commute, and 84% Rate Journey Very Enjoyable. The Irish Times (1921-)
- Bopp, Melissa., Dangaia. Sims, and Daniel. Piatkowski. Bicycling for Transportation : An Evidence-Base for Communities. San Diego: Elsevier, 2018. e-book
- Colville-Andersen, Mikael. Copenhagenize: The Definitive Guide to Global Bicycle Urbanism. Chicago: Island Press, 2018. e-book
- Guroff, Margaret. The Mechanical Horse : How the Bicycle Reshaped American Life. First edition. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 2016. e-book
- Hoffmann, Melody L. Bike Lanes Are White Lanes: Bicycle Advocacy and Urban Planning. Lincoln, [Nebraska] : University of Nebraska Press, 2016. e-book
- Vivanco, Luis Antonio. Reconsidering the Bicycle : An Anthropological Perspective On a New (Old) Thing. New York: Routledge, 2013. e-book
- Check out related items: Highlighted Databases: National Bike Month; Today In History: World Bicycle Day; Today in History: The Bicycle Is Patented; and On a Bicycle Built.
- NYC Citi Bike Program 6059, Courtesy, Wikimedia Commons
- Team-Work-Concept-Bicycle, by Tejipta, Courtesy PXhere
- Special News Slide, Courtesy of Gottesman Libraries
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