Filling in the Gaps: Acquiring New Teachers College Press E-books

Filling in the Gaps: Acquiring New Teachers College Press E-books

Our summer was all about filling in the gaps in our collection of two important Teachers College publications. The first is Teachers College Record, the institutional education journal that dates from 1900. Gottesman Libraries processed a backlog of print issues published from 2011-2024 totaling 242 issues. We also acquired missing issues of the journal primarily published in 2020. After compiling all the issues, we then packed 1 copy of each dated from 2011 to 2023, totaling 154 issues, and sent them to a bindery in Massachusetts to be bound and stamped. Once processed and received, these volumes will join an archival set of printed volumes held at the Gottesman Libraries, while we continue to make electronic access available to all volumes and issues.


Our next Teachers College publication comprised titles published by Teachers College Press, a “leading publisher of award-winning, peer-reviewed resources for all participants in the education process.” We identified titles published by the press primarily from 2019 to present that were available to users as print books but not e-books. In all, we purchased 150 e-books from GOBI Solutions, our vendor for both print and electronic titles. Some of the topics covered in these new acquisitions address mental health in Indigenous communities, arts in education, and college preparation for students

For additional information about the Teachers College Press project, please see New E-Book Acquisitions: Teacher College Press, covering purchases of institutional publications from 1980-2018.

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