Requesting New Materials

Requesting New Materials

Teachers College students, faculty, and staff may request acquisitions of new titles for the Gottesman Libraries' circulating collections or borrow materials needed for their research from other lending libraries.

Questions about requesting new materials? Please contact us.

New Book Requests

 To request the acquisition of a title not owned by the Gottesman Libraries, or the Columbia Morningside Campus Libraries, please submit a New Book Request.

Please search both Educat+ and CU Quicksearch before submitting a new book request. 

Requesting Guidelines

  • New Book requests can be submitted by current TC students, faculty, and staff.
  • Fulfillment times and availability for new library purchases may vary. Fulfillment notices are sent via email when a requested item is ready for circulation.
  • The library prioritizes the purchase of digital material whenever possible.
  • To suggest a new journal, database subscription, or streaming film license, please contact us.

Interlibrary Loan Requests

To request the loan of materials not owned by the Gottesman Libraries, or the Columbia Morningside Campus Libraries, please submit an Interlibrary Loan Request.

Lending institutions include U.S. research libraries and occasionally U.S. public libraries. There is no fee to use the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service, though fees and fines for lost or overdue items may apply.

Requesting Guidelines

  • ILL requests can be submitted by current TC students, faculty, and staff for a variety of material types:
    • Loans of print books and other physical materials
    • Journal articles (usually one from a single issue)
    • Book chapters (usually one from a single title; if more chapters are needed, the physical loan of the entire book will be requested)
    • Requests are subject to copyright restrictions and materials obtained may not be used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research
  • Turnaround times may vary; most items arrive within 1-2 weeks. Fulfillment notices are sent via email when a requested item has been delivered.
  • Physical items may be borrowed for as long as the lender allows. Please note that items are subject to recall by the lender at any time.
  • Physical material borrowed via ILL can be picked up at the first-floor services desk during regular library hours.
  • To request a renewal from a lending institution, please contact us before the due date.

Institutional Lending Requests

Libraries may request loans of circulating materials or articles and excerpts of circulating print materials owned by the Gottesman Libraries through Interlibrary Loan.

Individuals who are not affiliated with Teachers College must submit requests through their local university, corporate, or community library.

We are members of OCLC (institution symbol VVT) and participate in Interlibrary Loan Fee Management (IFM). Our OCLC group affiliations include SHRS. We only accept requests placed through OCLC's WorldShare ILL. 

  • Gottesman Libraries participates in WorldShare ILL and lends nationally.
  • We utilize OCLC Article Exchange for sharing digital materials.
  • Gottesman Libraries does not lend media, closed stack, or archival material.
  • Gottesman Libraries reserves the right to refuse a copying request if fulfillment may involve violation of copyright law
  • Questions? Email

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